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Плат за кинозала
  • Плат за кинозала Плат за кинозала

Плат за кинозала

Cinema Room Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

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Описание на продукта

1. Представяне на продукта на плат за кинозала

Fabric used for cinemas room must be flame retardant, it would keep the clients safe in case of fire and reduce the mortality and loss. Secondly the fabric has be sound absorbing. Cinema rooms are usually very large, if there is no acoustic treatment, there would be much echo and reverberation during the films, it would cause bad watching experience for the audience.

Qdboss cinema room fabric is made of polyester with fiberglass, it is both flame retardant and acoustic, top 10 cinema chains are using our fabric, and we also produce Dolby certificated fabric.

2. Спецификация на плата за кинозала




2 мм


1,5 м




0,6-0,95 с фибростъкло




3 .Features of Cinema room fabric

The fabric is anti-wrinkle, good shape retention, strong and durable fabric, good chemical properties, little damage to it by acid and alkali, antibacterial, mothproof, and good light resistance. Very suitable for theater direction and decoration direction. Flame retardant, there is only ashes in fire, no flame or droppings. And it is acoustic, the NRC can be 0.9 with fiberglass in the cinemas.  


4. Qualification of Cinema room fabric


We have 7 modern workshops and production line, with patent technology to make the stable products. Qdboss produces flame retardant Cinema room fabric, fabric wrapped fiberglass acoustic panel, fiberglass acoustic ceiling. We have different production lines for different method of flame retardant process, such as carton coating process, flame retardant soaking process, fiberglass fabric process, to meet the different requirements from the clients.



5 Защо да изберем Qdboss Acoustic Cinema room плат

1. Qdboss има десет години производствен опит за акустични панели, огнезащитни платове и разтопени платове

2. Имаме хиляди проекти, за да докажем нашето добро качество и обслужване, особено в киноиндустрията, Топ 10 кино вериги използват нашия акустичен панел за кино с огнезащитна тъкан

3. 7 семинара и опитни работници за осигуряване на бързината и производството и доставката

4. 24/7 available for any question about acoustic panel and fabrics.

5. Пълен набор от протоколи за изпитване на SGS за пожар, термична устойчивост, освобождаване на формалдехид

6. Qdboss е доставчик на няколко известни марки у нас и в чужбина


6 How to Install Cinema room fabric

Cut the fiberglass and fabric to required size according to the drawings. Then harden the edge of the fiberglass to make it tough and dry it. After than wrap the fabric to the fiberglass with E0 grade glue.

The fabric wrapped fiberglass panel can be put on the wall directly with air nail gun or glue.

Горещи маркери: Cinema Room Fabric, Manufacturers, Suppliers, Wholesale, Buy, Factory, Customized, China, Made In China, Cheap, Discount, Low Price, Buy Discount, Price, Quotation, CE
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